12 Blog Promotion Strategies

12 Blog Promotion Strategies

Blog posts are not just “content” to fill your blog. To really be successful with your blog, treat each post like a mini-campaign. You’ve already taken the time to determine what to write, to have written the post and to select (and possibly pay for) post pictures. So take the time to promote it as effectively as possible.

Some strategies include:

Optimizing the keywords in your post for search engines (and frankly, for how searchers think about and find your topic)

Tailoring your status updates for various social sites – one size (and style) does not fit all

Commenting on relevant and related industry blogs

Adding your best posts (or newest ones) to your email signature to get your contacts clicking on and sharing your post

Sharing your post with your customers so they can get value as well as share it out

Infographic via DivvyHQ.com

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